Guests traveling to Walt Disney World recently have largely experienced a safe environment, with cast members enforcing the mask policy (wear it unless seated and eating/drinking) and lines being properly socially distanced. And, while its difficult to speak to the exact park attendance that is being experienced daily, it likely feels 25-50% of the maximum capacity with some high traffic areas feeling a bit more.
As for the attractions, most are open and available, however one on one experiences like Bippidi Boppidi Boutique, or Jedi Training are still suspended. Dining options vary depend on the park or resort, but Disney is being awesome about encouraging reservations and clearly communicating which restaurants are open.
In the reports that we have received from guests traveling to WDW, we have heard largely good experiences, albeit tinged with the strangeness of being at that “Happiest Place on Earth” in the middle of the pandemic, where everyone is wearing masks, so smiles are hard to see.
Travel agents, us included, are seeing a rise in guests booking either later this year, or into 2022 (we can book 500 days in advance) when the vaccine is readily available. If you are thinking about a trip later this year, or maybe Spring Break of next, let’s get your planning started! We will book your trip, collect a small deposit and apply discounts as they are released, allowing you to imagine the day when you, your family and your friends can visit Mickey Mouse and his friends!